Friday, February 1, 2013


Having not ventured under for months since the last adventure went decidedly pear shaped, and flashing lights and pools of blood had put the fear of god into me. It was a tad difficult to make the decision to delve under again.

That said, recent life changes had left me with a sense of reckless philosophy on the matter, and a life lived in regrets is no life at all, especially not such inconsequential ones. Life's short, do what makes you happy and such.

Aydun, who like NIOU had manned the fuck up months ago and been enjoying new and exciting adventures underground, suggested to my great pleasure a suitable cakewalk for day, Accommodator. Well actually Batcave was the plan, but with the tide being miscalculated yet again, thankfully not by me this time, it was out for the time being. So leaving civilization behind us we speed to our new goal, all the while watching the indecisive clouds.

Sadly, getting in un-spotted was spoilt my some factory worker and his compulsive need for spotless hands. Being the paranoid twit that I am, I decided we should leave a different way, lest we were greeted with yet another unpleasant reception on our departure. Fortunately there were ample ways in and out, and so we set off into the black, my anxieties fleeing along with the gathering dark.

It was great to be wandering through this tunnel after so long. It's size does justice to the superlative descriptions others have bestowed upon it. I can see the the attraction of taking a car for a Sunday drive through the darkness. Although I'm still not quite sure about the logistics of the initial entry...

After some sloppy snapshots and several emergences into the daylight and and back again, we decided to track out through some convenient underground signage directing travelers to the local MacDonalds.

Rain started to speckle down on our speedy return to Batcave, which by this point had sunk and regained its tide, precluding further adventure. The rest of the afternoon was spent in study, zipping around the city maps in tow, looking like lost tourists searching for just the right shaped manhole?

It was a tame and enjoyable foray back into activities I had been missing and too preoccupied to attend to for some time.


  1. Hell yeah man! Great to see ya back at it!

  2. Replies
    1. Ha! You wish mad man! :D not bloody likely. It's cursed I tell you!
